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Achieve Your Goals


At Butler Meridian, the importance of detailed planning simply cannot be understated in managing any project or programme.  Developing a plan, even at summary levels, forces a discipline in analysis of the activities needed and identifies possible pitfalls that may be ahead when executing the plan.  Our Planning capability is considered industry leading and top of class with our experts being the first call when an organisation or Programme is looking to construct and develop its planning function.

We have “out of the box” ready-made processes / tools that can be deployed quickly and efficiently, adding value almost straight away.  Our planning approach focuses not only on having a plan, but actually executing, tracking and reporting against it.

Our planning approach consists of:

  • Fully documented processes

  • Functionally rich technical plan templates

  • Custom fields

  • Custom Views

  • Automated exception reporting

  • Metric and quality reporting

Planning: Service
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